You only have 4 months 9 days, 18 weeks 5 days, 131 days, and 3,144 hours, left in 2024 to achieve your goals for the year! The idea of celebrating a "no" because it gets you closer to a "yes" is a great way to stay positive and confident in the knowledge that each "no" can be a learning experience. You could celebrate by reflecting on your learning, adjusting your presentation, and motivating yourself for the next opportunity. With this mindset, you could turn that “no” into a “yes”.
Do you have specific goals where this approach might help? · #CloserToYes #LearnAndGrow #ResilienceWins #OneStepCloser #EmbraceTheNo #ProgressNotPerfection #JourneyToSuccess #SetbacksToComebacks#ChallengeAccepted